Wednesday, December 24, 2008
1- What is your real name?
Muhammad Ridhaus Sholihin
2- Which one do you prefer to be call?
I was given the title Sheikh by my spiritual teacher, friends call me Rid, family calls me Sholihin
3- Are u currently wearing something green?
Errr, No. Why? Its not the environmental awareness month right?
4- Do u eat raw salmon?
Can I have it with a tiny bit of wasabi?
5- Are u married? If no, when do u intend to get hitched?
Haha, I have all this planned out. Get married by 25. Have the 1st born by 30.
6- Are u attached or no? If yes whats his name and how do u met?
NO NO! Now you don’t want me sad, do you?
7- If you are attached, would you mind if your girl got kissed by someone?
Kiss on the cheeks or lips? Cheeks is ok, but lips is a off limit ok? I sometimes find it hard to kiss then u wanna suka suka kiss her ah?
8- Do u love answering back?
Ouh, you don’t want to know
9- What is you fav color? Name three.
Black, Green & Blue
10- Why do u like the 2nd color of your earlier answer?
Green? Ouh, its just like the most abundant colour available
11- Do u think u are someone known to public?
People may know me, but I have difficulty to remember faces and names . worst when im caught without glasses
12- Have u had sex with anyone before?
Nolah. Im a Sheikh leh. Cannot cannot
13- Do u like to be hated?
Well, if hated like Hitler? Why not? Atleast I will make it to History books
14- Do u think this survey is stupid? If yes, why? If no, why?Why?
Stupid? Well, I prefer if I answer the question, further question is being asked. But I don’t get it here. So yeah maybe this is stupid
15- What is your fav lingerie shops? Name two.
I don’t do lingerie.
16- Do u prefer to wear G-string or normal undies?
Me? I prefer au natural. And for my girl, booty shorts are hot
17- What is your fav watch brand?
Patek Philippe & Seiko
18- Have u own all the above mentioned watches yet?
I have a Seiko watch. Bought it because I haven’t been wearing watch for months. Patek Philippe? Does imitation one counts? The one I got it at KL night market
19- What is your current addiction fav song?
Ouh for malay songs right, it has got to be the 60s oldies. The words got UMPH. If English, the I guess it has got to be
20- Name your fav blog website besides than your site (list their name down)
I visit everyone’s blog that I know on a daily basis. But there is this one particulat blog, its called the Happeepill. It helps me distress. Go check him out at
21- Do u think by blogging can make u famous?
I prefer writing a novel or short stories to make me famous. Blogging is kinda hassle. Once famous, must have to keep up with the blog and such
22- Do u support rima melati adams or ida nerina? Pls chose only one.
Ida looks shagged and old. And im a supporter of local homegrown talent. So it has to be Rima
23- Do u think taufik batisah or hady mirza has the nicest voice? Chose only one.
Taufik ah, he can tangkap lentok beb
24- Are u planning to adopt a child like Angelina Jolie does?
Why waste my load of army of millions?
25- Do u think you are pretty/handsome?
Ouh my, im the most disgusting thing ever
26- Do u rate yourself as caring or understanding?
What’s in between? Im in between
27- What is your occupation now?
Full time student.
28- Where do u usually shop for your clothes?
KL. Clothes there are cheaper
29- Do u prefer dresses or t-shirt and shorts? Chose only one.
Unless im at home, it has to be t-shirt. You seldom see me in shorts. Only for camps, maybe.
30- If you were given a miracle to change something in yourself, what would it be? List four.
Face, body, mind, sex
If you wish to know whats your friend's secret, pass this on to at least 8 girls. Let them know if they got choosen for this survey!
To azie: it says girls leh. But kesian u keep tagging me, I still do it
Muhammad Ridhaus Sholihin
2- Which one do you prefer to be call?
I was given the title Sheikh by my spiritual teacher, friends call me Rid, family calls me Sholihin
3- Are u currently wearing something green?
Errr, No. Why? Its not the environmental awareness month right?
4- Do u eat raw salmon?
Can I have it with a tiny bit of wasabi?
5- Are u married? If no, when do u intend to get hitched?
Haha, I have all this planned out. Get married by 25. Have the 1st born by 30.
6- Are u attached or no? If yes whats his name and how do u met?
NO NO! Now you don’t want me sad, do you?
7- If you are attached, would you mind if your girl got kissed by someone?
Kiss on the cheeks or lips? Cheeks is ok, but lips is a off limit ok? I sometimes find it hard to kiss then u wanna suka suka kiss her ah?
8- Do u love answering back?
Ouh, you don’t want to know
9- What is you fav color? Name three.
Black, Green & Blue
10- Why do u like the 2nd color of your earlier answer?
Green? Ouh, its just like the most abundant colour available
11- Do u think u are someone known to public?
People may know me, but I have difficulty to remember faces and names . worst when im caught without glasses
12- Have u had sex with anyone before?
Nolah. Im a Sheikh leh. Cannot cannot
13- Do u like to be hated?
Well, if hated like Hitler? Why not? Atleast I will make it to History books
14- Do u think this survey is stupid? If yes, why? If no, why?Why?
Stupid? Well, I prefer if I answer the question, further question is being asked. But I don’t get it here. So yeah maybe this is stupid
15- What is your fav lingerie shops? Name two.
I don’t do lingerie.
16- Do u prefer to wear G-string or normal undies?
Me? I prefer au natural. And for my girl, booty shorts are hot
17- What is your fav watch brand?
Patek Philippe & Seiko
18- Have u own all the above mentioned watches yet?
I have a Seiko watch. Bought it because I haven’t been wearing watch for months. Patek Philippe? Does imitation one counts? The one I got it at KL night market
19- What is your current addiction fav song?
Ouh for malay songs right, it has got to be the 60s oldies. The words got UMPH. If English, the I guess it has got to be
20- Name your fav blog website besides than your site (list their name down)
I visit everyone’s blog that I know on a daily basis. But there is this one particulat blog, its called the Happeepill. It helps me distress. Go check him out at
21- Do u think by blogging can make u famous?
I prefer writing a novel or short stories to make me famous. Blogging is kinda hassle. Once famous, must have to keep up with the blog and such
22- Do u support rima melati adams or ida nerina? Pls chose only one.
Ida looks shagged and old. And im a supporter of local homegrown talent. So it has to be Rima
23- Do u think taufik batisah or hady mirza has the nicest voice? Chose only one.
Taufik ah, he can tangkap lentok beb
24- Are u planning to adopt a child like Angelina Jolie does?
Why waste my load of army of millions?
25- Do u think you are pretty/handsome?
Ouh my, im the most disgusting thing ever
26- Do u rate yourself as caring or understanding?
What’s in between? Im in between
27- What is your occupation now?
Full time student.
28- Where do u usually shop for your clothes?
KL. Clothes there are cheaper
29- Do u prefer dresses or t-shirt and shorts? Chose only one.
Unless im at home, it has to be t-shirt. You seldom see me in shorts. Only for camps, maybe.
30- If you were given a miracle to change something in yourself, what would it be? List four.
Face, body, mind, sex
If you wish to know whats your friend's secret, pass this on to at least 8 girls. Let them know if they got choosen for this survey!
To azie: it says girls leh. But kesian u keep tagging me, I still do it
posted by Rid at 2:07 AM

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