Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Wahdatul Wujud (The One existence) * Not for Non muslims*
Al mio amore,
for this post, im not going to write or express in the conventional method which i always do. forgive me, for this wanting to write on this topic has been burning in me. it had actually started long ago, during the time i had 1st learnt about the wisdom of Islam, the wisdom of life.
we as human are created for a reason. a reason for us to worship Him and only Him. for that is written in his holy books. however, without knowing the essence of the worship itself, all is lost. its like having a can of mixed fruits but not knowing what fruits is in the can.
Know that our prayers are actually living the essence of worship itself. for when we stand in Qiyam, it represent alif. the sifatul huruf which shows it stands alone, strong and which we must understand that these are the attributes given to Him.
then when we do our Ruku'. it represents Ha. this is where it represents the humbleness, the plainess or rather uniform. at the same time for the worshiper it projects the idea of the worshipper being honest and focused. all these that have been taught by the prophet.
next would be the Qu'ud, the sitting down. Mim represents this action. the wisdom behind it would then be faithful. sitting in calmness, waiting. for it also shows that this is one of the being clam, willing to accept anything that has been served to him
lastly is the Sujud. the sujud brings about the last and the highest state of spiritual purity. symbolised by Dal. it holds the hikmah or wisdom. it potrays acceptence and the state of Tawaduk or rather the state of humbleness and ever accepting any orders or things that happen it happens because of Him.
when all those sybolisation put together it form the word Ahmad. so who is this Ahmad and where is it? as we know, Ahmad is one of the many beautiful names of Muhammad. but according to this hakikat, or the reality of worship, we are potraying Ahmad. thus this is where the sentence, " kita ni muhammad yang memikul sifat Ahmad" which means we are Muhammad who carries the attributes of Ahmad.
now one will ask how come we are Muhammad? Muhammad in reality has died more the a centuary ago. but in wisdom sense, we are all Muhammad. for without him, there would be no creation, for without him there wont be Adam. how did this came about for in the Quran and the Bible it states that Adam was the 1st human?
we have to back tract abit here. for during the creation of this world. there was nothing but Him. From His essences, He created a Nur or what we call light. this is the Light of Muhammad (Nur Muhammad). from the light, it was divided into parts. one parts makes the Arash and the Kursi. the other part was made into the Kalam or the Pen and the Book (Luh mahfuz). the next part was turned in to this beautiful creation that we live in, the entire universe ('Alam). and the last part is what became of Muhammad, the Seal of Prophets. thus this answer to the question, what is the Light mentioned in the Bible (let there be light)in the 1st chapter and the 1st spoken words of God. this light is the reality of Muhammad.
Now when all the piecess put together, do we see something? do we see that we are created from the reality of Muhammad in which was from the essence of God himself? in other words, we are the essence of God of which is through Muhammad. years ago, there were a few men who had reached the reality of what i had explained earlier in which they were in the state of estacy.
some, like Shyakh Siti Jenar even claims that God is within him. Infact to the extent of saying he is God. ouh for beautiful reasons, i do agree on what he said. we are God to our own fate. its us who decide on our fate, for in the Quran it had said, "I will not change the fate of the people if they do not make the effort to change it first". and like Ghazali had said in his Alchemy of Happiness, " none can understand a king but a king, thus God made each of us a king in miniature, so to speak, over a kingdom(our self) which is an infinitely reduced copy of His own".
for this post, im not going to write or express in the conventional method which i always do. forgive me, for this wanting to write on this topic has been burning in me. it had actually started long ago, during the time i had 1st learnt about the wisdom of Islam, the wisdom of life.
we as human are created for a reason. a reason for us to worship Him and only Him. for that is written in his holy books. however, without knowing the essence of the worship itself, all is lost. its like having a can of mixed fruits but not knowing what fruits is in the can.
Know that our prayers are actually living the essence of worship itself. for when we stand in Qiyam, it represent alif. the sifatul huruf which shows it stands alone, strong and which we must understand that these are the attributes given to Him.
then when we do our Ruku'. it represents Ha. this is where it represents the humbleness, the plainess or rather uniform. at the same time for the worshiper it projects the idea of the worshipper being honest and focused. all these that have been taught by the prophet.
next would be the Qu'ud, the sitting down. Mim represents this action. the wisdom behind it would then be faithful. sitting in calmness, waiting. for it also shows that this is one of the being clam, willing to accept anything that has been served to him
lastly is the Sujud. the sujud brings about the last and the highest state of spiritual purity. symbolised by Dal. it holds the hikmah or wisdom. it potrays acceptence and the state of Tawaduk or rather the state of humbleness and ever accepting any orders or things that happen it happens because of Him.
when all those sybolisation put together it form the word Ahmad. so who is this Ahmad and where is it? as we know, Ahmad is one of the many beautiful names of Muhammad. but according to this hakikat, or the reality of worship, we are potraying Ahmad. thus this is where the sentence, " kita ni muhammad yang memikul sifat Ahmad" which means we are Muhammad who carries the attributes of Ahmad.
now one will ask how come we are Muhammad? Muhammad in reality has died more the a centuary ago. but in wisdom sense, we are all Muhammad. for without him, there would be no creation, for without him there wont be Adam. how did this came about for in the Quran and the Bible it states that Adam was the 1st human?
we have to back tract abit here. for during the creation of this world. there was nothing but Him. From His essences, He created a Nur or what we call light. this is the Light of Muhammad (Nur Muhammad). from the light, it was divided into parts. one parts makes the Arash and the Kursi. the other part was made into the Kalam or the Pen and the Book (Luh mahfuz). the next part was turned in to this beautiful creation that we live in, the entire universe ('Alam). and the last part is what became of Muhammad, the Seal of Prophets. thus this answer to the question, what is the Light mentioned in the Bible (let there be light)in the 1st chapter and the 1st spoken words of God. this light is the reality of Muhammad.
Now when all the piecess put together, do we see something? do we see that we are created from the reality of Muhammad in which was from the essence of God himself? in other words, we are the essence of God of which is through Muhammad. years ago, there were a few men who had reached the reality of what i had explained earlier in which they were in the state of estacy.
some, like Shyakh Siti Jenar even claims that God is within him. Infact to the extent of saying he is God. ouh for beautiful reasons, i do agree on what he said. we are God to our own fate. its us who decide on our fate, for in the Quran it had said, "I will not change the fate of the people if they do not make the effort to change it first". and like Ghazali had said in his Alchemy of Happiness, " none can understand a king but a king, thus God made each of us a king in miniature, so to speak, over a kingdom(our self) which is an infinitely reduced copy of His own".
posted by Rid at 10:20 PM

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