Thursday, March 26, 2009
Love, School, Darwin
Al mio amore
apologies for the hiatus and lack of updates. i have considered closing down this blog, but like they say, finish what you started. therefore if i had really want to close this blog, there must be a reason to it, which now i could not find any.
Love is one special feeling that is being given to us by our Lord. it seems almost impossible to understand the meaning of love. Ask Romeo what is love and he will tell you its Juliet. Ask Shakespeare and he will instead tell you its English and theater. Ask our Mozart and he will tell you its music. so what is love? how do we define it? what does it mean to us?
i have been to places around Singapore. observing the advances of technology and the growth of industries. But one thing doesn't change, i find that there is lack of the understanding of love. the Malay hooligans take love as something to be expressed through words like poem and songs. although i must say, some of their works are very good. i would not dare to comment on other races because i dont feel fit to do so until my race can prove to me otherwise. However lets take a bold step and have a look at ourselves. how are we treating love? but because of the high level of love, i rather we ask ourselves how are we treating ourselves? Have we been treating ourselves right? look at some of us, piercing here and there, tatoo here and there. look at the hair colour, some shades of brown, red or even green. and thats just the physical factors, have we asked ourselves about our spirituality?
Look at our ego, how it is controling us. look at the time when we wanted to drink, instead of sips we take huge gulp. for food, we only eat whats nice. some even is choosy of what they eat! have we forgotten our brothers and sisters in the third world society? how they live in poverty, how each day they struggle to live, while here in our society we hear suicide cases almost everyday. arent we ashame? we should all take a leaf out of the books of our less fortunate brothers and sisters in the third world society. learn from them, for they can teach you what books and school cant.
I had always believed that school was a good place to learn. but i was proven wrong. schools these days teach us nothing. instead they only teach us to read, write and memorise. if i had asked you to summarise for me a news paper article, i think most of you cant do it. but if i had asked you to name me a fruit, or a place, all of you can. and if i had asked you about how we are created and where we come from almost all of you will give me a Darwin-ised answer, which is the theory of evolution. funny, how muslim oriented school claims to teach everything muslim oriented teaching, but when asked about spirituality, it fails to give an answer. doesnt islam compromises of spirituality too? why such neglegence?
not forgetting other schools of thought and religion. let me end with quote a sheykh from one of his speech
apologies for the hiatus and lack of updates. i have considered closing down this blog, but like they say, finish what you started. therefore if i had really want to close this blog, there must be a reason to it, which now i could not find any.
Love is one special feeling that is being given to us by our Lord. it seems almost impossible to understand the meaning of love. Ask Romeo what is love and he will tell you its Juliet. Ask Shakespeare and he will instead tell you its English and theater. Ask our Mozart and he will tell you its music. so what is love? how do we define it? what does it mean to us?
i have been to places around Singapore. observing the advances of technology and the growth of industries. But one thing doesn't change, i find that there is lack of the understanding of love. the Malay hooligans take love as something to be expressed through words like poem and songs. although i must say, some of their works are very good. i would not dare to comment on other races because i dont feel fit to do so until my race can prove to me otherwise. However lets take a bold step and have a look at ourselves. how are we treating love? but because of the high level of love, i rather we ask ourselves how are we treating ourselves? Have we been treating ourselves right? look at some of us, piercing here and there, tatoo here and there. look at the hair colour, some shades of brown, red or even green. and thats just the physical factors, have we asked ourselves about our spirituality?
Look at our ego, how it is controling us. look at the time when we wanted to drink, instead of sips we take huge gulp. for food, we only eat whats nice. some even is choosy of what they eat! have we forgotten our brothers and sisters in the third world society? how they live in poverty, how each day they struggle to live, while here in our society we hear suicide cases almost everyday. arent we ashame? we should all take a leaf out of the books of our less fortunate brothers and sisters in the third world society. learn from them, for they can teach you what books and school cant.
I had always believed that school was a good place to learn. but i was proven wrong. schools these days teach us nothing. instead they only teach us to read, write and memorise. if i had asked you to summarise for me a news paper article, i think most of you cant do it. but if i had asked you to name me a fruit, or a place, all of you can. and if i had asked you about how we are created and where we come from almost all of you will give me a Darwin-ised answer, which is the theory of evolution. funny, how muslim oriented school claims to teach everything muslim oriented teaching, but when asked about spirituality, it fails to give an answer. doesnt islam compromises of spirituality too? why such neglegence?
not forgetting other schools of thought and religion. let me end with quote a sheykh from one of his speech
The schools are only teaching people lying and cheating these days. They know that the theory of evolution, Darwinism is finished. It is bankrupt. But they are still teaching. Everything is on that. The foundations of schools are on that theory. All those children that are studying and coming out of the schools, now their foundation is evolution which is completely against creation. So they are going to become ignorant. So ignorant that they are not going to know that they are ignorant. Taking one man's word, ordinary man. Who is this man? Who is this Darwin? Why are you accepting him? (I am saying to the Chrisitan world) You are accepting Darwin and putting his books in the schools and universities. You say you are accepting Jesus but you are not using his book in the schools. What kind of nonsense is this? (Shaykh smiling). You are saying, "Jesus is the Lord. We are the creatures, he is the creator." But you are not teaching in the schools to these people about that and you are teaching about Darwinism, about Sheytan. The same thing is with the Muslims and the same thing is with the Jews. In the Muslims countries they say, "We are Muslims. We are accepting Allah and His Prophet." But no school is teaching anything about Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam). With the Jews it is the same thing. They are not teaching about Moses or the Tewrat. So everywhere in the world they are concentrating to teach people Darwinism. Evolution.
posted by Rid at 1:32 AM

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